
The Latest Updates in Clean Energy Technology

clean energy

Of all the personal clean energy options that people can choose from in the US, the most interesting right now by far is solar energy. One reason for this is that the federal government offers a tax credit if you choose to install solar panels on your home.

However, what are the latest updates when it comes to solar technology and other clean energy options? Should you be aware of more efficient options right now?

In this article, we will explore some new clean energy technology trends you should be aware of. You might be ultra-passionate about clean energy or undecided. Whatever the case, read on to get the lowdown on renewable technology developments.

Renewable Energy Technology Developments

So here’s a reminder of the most common renewable energy sources we have today:

  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Hydropower
  • Bioenergy

Solar energy is arguably the most plentiful of all renewable energy resources, as mentioned in this United Nations post. Wind energy is also a prominent influence right now in the US and Europe. Yet, we shouldn’t underestimate the impact and potential of other renewables.

Solar Energy Developments

Solar technology is advancing at a rapid pace. We now have solar cells that last much longer than the previous iterations. We can now also print solar cells onto flexible surfaces!

Furthermore, manufacturers are now making super cells with super solar efficiency. We’re talking about a 30% or more conversation rate these days!

This is a huge difference from the sub-25 % standards we were used to before. At a 30% conversion rate that’s likely to increase, it’s no joke that most future households could be embracing solar energy at some point.

Other developments include solar shingles. These are roof tiles that contain solar cells within them. With such innovation, households will be able to use their entire roof to generate electricity for the home. Plus, the real draw to the technology is that the shingles look attractive.

We’re also going to see solar windows appear in the coming years more and more. Right now this technology is in its early stages, but its potential is incredible!

And then there are the amazing developments we are seeing now in solar battery technology, especially for the home. Homeowners can now take energy from the sun with their solar panels and store it for later use.

If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of solar installation, it makes sense to act now! The federal tax credit in the intro that we mentioned will reduce next year, and we don’t know what the percentage will be the year after that. Check out these solar installing professionals for help.

Wind Energy Developments

Wind energy is not a usual option for private homeowners to use on a small scale. However, it’s interesting to learn where this technology is headed.

First off, the blades are getting larger. In previous years you would have seen blades measuring around 30 to 40 meters in length, but now you’re looking at double the size. This means the length of two blades is roughly the size of the wingspan of a typical passenger jet!

Another development is the towers are getting taller and bulkier. So the result of having larger blades and towers is much more power and efficiency. Where old towers might have been around 100 meters tall, we’re now looking at seeing 250-meter-high wind turbines in the near future.

Since manufacturers are set to make larger turbines, it makes sense to start constructing and assembling them onsite, rather than trying to transport them. And now we are seeing an increase in the capacity to recycle turbines, which is great news for anyone that supports the world going green.

Other Renewable Technology Developments

Many people believe that geothermal technology has a bright future in the renewable energy market. Moreover, it is likely we will see it paired up with other renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and possibly nuclear even!

Tidal energy needs a lot of investment for it to get going. This might be one of the main reasons why we don’t see so much of it yet. However, once it is up and running, it is one of the most consistent sources of renewable energy we can make use of.

If you are interested in looking at a region that’s leading the way in wave and tidal technology, check out what they are doing in Orkney, Scotland. Here you can read about the powerful tidal turbine they have running there.

Innovators in hydropower are seeking to create more flexibility with the technology at the moment. The idea is that they come up with technologies that people can use across a broad range of hydraulic environments. They are also looking at digitalizing these technologies so they measure performance and increase efficiency.

Recent developments in bioenergy are pretty unbelievable. For instance, scientists have now come up with a renewable jet fuel that they make from waste gasses! They are also using microorganisms to fuel cars and clean up air pollution.

Plus, scientists have developed a method where they can use sludge waste to create biofuels. This means water waste plants in the future could also be in the business of creating renewable fuels.

Some Developments in Clean Energy Explained

You should have a clearer idea now of how clean energy is developing. Solar energy is at the forefront of homeowners’ minds due to all the benefits it can provide. We recommend you check out solar installation options to save you loads of money in the future, and to save the environment.

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